ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Classification of electromagnetic fields

Alright kiddo, let's talk about electromagnetic fields. Electromagnetic fields are kind of like invisible waves that are all around us all the time. They come from things like the sun, light bulbs, and even your mom's cell phone. They're called electromagnetic fields because they happen when electrically charged particles move around.

There are different types of electromagnetic fields, but they're usually grouped into two main categories: ionizing and non-ionizing.

Ionizing electromagnetic fields are the really powerful kind that can actually change atoms and molecules. They can be dangerous and come from things like x-rays, gamma rays, and radioactive materials. It's why you have to wear a lead apron when you get your teeth x-rayed at the dentist.

Non-ionizing electromagnetic fields are the weaker kind that can't change atoms or molecules. They come from things like power lines, microwaves, and TVs. They're not as dangerous, but some people still worry about them.

Scientists are still studying electromagnetic fields to learn more about how they work and if they can be harmful. But for now, just remember that electromagnetic fields are everywhere, and some are stronger than others!