ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Claus Schilling

Okay kiddo, Claus Schilling was a German doctor who lived a long time ago. He worked during World War II, which was a very big war that happened many years ago.

Dr. Schilling did some bad things during the war. He was part of a group that experimented on people who were put in prison for being different or disagreeing with the government. They were called "prisoners." Dr. Schilling and his group tested new medicines and medical procedures on these prisoners without their permission.

They did these things to see if they worked, but also to see what would happen to the prisoners. Dr. Schilling and his group didn't care about the pain and suffering the prisoners went through, which was very wrong.

After the war, Dr. Schilling was put on trial for his bad behavior. He was found guilty and punished for his crimes.

It's important to always treat people with kindness and respect, even if they're different from us. What Dr. Schilling did was very wrong and he had to pay for it.