ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Climate alarmism

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes the weather outside can be really hot or really cold, right? Well, scientists have been studying the weather and how it's been changing over many years. They found out that things like pollution and the way people use energy is making the weather change a lot faster than it normally would.

Some people are very worried about this and they think we need to do something right away to stop it from getting even worse. They call this "climate alarmism" because they think it's alarming how much the climate is changing and it's important to talk about it a lot so that we can all work together to make things better.

Other people might not be as worried and think that the climate changes all the time and we don't need to do anything about it. They might call the people who are worried "alarmists" because they think they're exaggerating the problem.

So basically, climate alarmism is when people are really worried about how the climate is changing and think it's important to talk about it a lot so we can try to do something to make it better.