ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clinical neurophysiology

Clinical neurophysiology is a way for doctors to see how your brain and body work together. It's kind of like watching a movie of your brain and nerves talking to each other.

Basically, your brain is like the boss of your body. It tells your muscles what to do and how to move. Clinical neurophysiology helps doctors see what's going on in your brain and nerves so they can figure out if there are any problems.

One way doctors do this is by putting little stickers called electrodes on your head and other parts of your body. These stickers are attached to wires that connect to a computer. The computer records the signals that your brain and nerves are sending, kind of like a camera records a movie.

The doctor can then look at the signals on the computer and see if everything is working the way it should. If there are any problems, the doctor can figure out what's causing them and come up with a plan to make things better.

Overall, clinical neurophysiology is a really cool way for doctors to see what's going on inside your body and help you stay healthy!