ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clique du Plateau

Imagine you have a group of friends who always hang out together and do everything together. They are like a little club that only wants to play with each other and not with anyone else.

Well, in Montreal, Canada, there is a neighborhood called Plateau Mont-Royal. And in this neighborhood, there are some people who also have their own special group of friends. They call themselves the "clique du plateau," which means the "group of friends from Plateau."

Now, what makes this group special is that they have a strong connection to the Plateau neighborhood. They all live there or spend a lot of time there. They love their neighborhood so much that they want to protect it and make it a better place.

So, they come together and do all sorts of activities to make the Plateau neighborhood even more awesome. They might organize events like concerts, art exhibitions, or even clean-up days to keep the streets clean. They care about the environment and make sure the neighborhood stays beautiful.

The "clique du plateau" also cares about local businesses in the neighborhood. They want to support small shops and restaurants, so they organize events to promote these businesses. They want to make sure people know about the amazing things they can find in their own neighborhood.

But it's not just about doing good things for the neighborhood. The clique du plateau also wants to have fun together. They might organize parties or get-togethers where they can hang out, play games, and have a great time together.

The most important thing about the clique du plateau is that they all have something in common - their love for the Plateau neighborhood. They all want to make it a better place, and they enjoy doing it together as a group of friends.

So, the clique du plateau is like a special club of friends who live in the Plateau neighborhood and work together to make their neighborhood awesome. They care about the environment, support local businesses, and have fun together.