ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Clock network

A clock network is like a system that tells everyone when to do things, like when to wake up, eat, play, or sleep. It's kind of like a music conductor who directs the orchestra to play at the same time and in the same pace.

Similarly, a clock network is a group of devices that need to work together in a synchronized way, like computers, phones, and other electronic devices. These devices need to have the same understanding of when to start and finish an action, like sending a message or completing a task.

The clock network uses a special signal, called a clock signal, to keep all devices on the same schedule. The clock signal acts as a regular beat or tick-tock that keeps all devices synchronized. When a device receives a clock signal, it knows when to begin an activity, like processing data or changing a display.

So, in summary, a clock network is like a conductor that keeps all electronic devices in harmony and working together, using a special signal called the clock signal.