ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Time signal

Okay kiddo, have you ever wondered how everyone knows what time it is? Well, there are these special signals called time signals that are sent out by big clocks that help everyone keep track of time.

Imagine you have a friend who has a big clock in their house. They set it to the correct time, so they know when to wake up, eat lunch, and go to bed. Now, let's say your friend wants to help you keep track of time too. How can they do that? They can send out a special signal from their clock that tells you what time it is.

Just like that, big clocks all over the world send out time signals to help people keep track of time. These signals are like little messages that travel through the air or along wires to reach our watches, phones, and clocks.

So, how do these signals work? Inside the big clocks, there are special parts called oscillators that vibrate really fast, like a heartbeat. These vibrations create a regular, steady pattern that can be measured very precisely. This pattern is called a frequency.

The time signals are based on the frequency of the oscillator in the big clocks. It's like a secret code that tells us what time it is. Every time the oscillator completes one full vibration cycle, it sends out a signal telling us that one second has passed.

That's why if you look at a clock, you'll see the second hand move every time a time signal is sent out. It's like a little message from the big clock telling us that time is ticking away.

And that's how time signals work! They help us keep track of time and make sure we're never late for important things. Cool, right?