ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Low frequency

Low frequency means sounds that are very slow or deep. Imagine a big elephant walking through a forest - you can feel its footsteps more than you can hear them. That's because they make very low frequency sounds. They are slow and deep vibrations that you can feel more than you can hear.

On a radio or a music player, low frequency sounds make the bass sound. If you listen to music with headphones on, you can feel the bass vibrating through your ears and even your body. It's like a big, gentle hug that makes you feel warm and cozy.

Low frequency sounds are really important in all kinds of things, like music and movies, because they help set the mood and create a certain atmosphere. They can be peaceful and calming, or intense and exciting.

So, even though you might not always hear low frequency sounds, they are an important part of our world of sound and music.