ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Closed community

Imagine you have a fort that you build with your friends. You have a gate to let people in and out, but you only let your closest friends in because you want to keep it safe and secret.

A closed community is kind of like that fort – it's a group of people who don't let just anyone in. They have rules about who can be part of the group, and they don't let outsiders in easily.

For example, a family might be a closed community. They have certain traditions and ways of doing things that they only share with each other. They might not let strangers come to their special family events because they want to keep them private.

It's important to remember that being part of a closed community doesn't necessarily mean it's a bad thing – it just means that they want to keep their special things for themselves. However, sometimes closed communities can become exclusive and not allow new people in or treat outsiders unfairly, which can be a bad thing.
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