ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Closed ecological system

A closed ecological system is like having a big jar that has everything living things need to survive inside. It has air, water, food, and plants, and animals. But what's different is that nothing can come inside, and nothing can get out. It's like being on an island in the middle of the ocean, and you have to make do with whatever you have.

The air inside the closed ecological system has all the oxygen that animals breathe and all the carbon dioxide that plants need to live. The water is cleaned and filtered so that animals can drink it, and plants can absorb it. The food is grown by plants and animals that are raised inside, and everything is kept in balance so that there's always enough for everyone.

If something goes wrong inside the closed ecological system, it can be hard to fix. For example, if too many animals are eating too much food, then the plants won't be able to keep up, and everyone will go hungry. Or if there's too much waste building up, the air and water quality will decrease, and everyone will get sick.

So, people who create closed ecological systems have to be very careful and make sure that everything is working properly. They have to monitor the air, water, and food levels, and make adjustments as needed. And, they have to make sure that everyone inside is happy and healthy. It's like being a mini-world's caretaker!