ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cluster ballooning

Cluster ballooning is like playing with a bunch of balloons, but instead of just sticking them to your wall, people use a whole bunch of them to lift themselves up into the air!

First, imagine blowing up a balloon and then letting it go. The air inside the balloon wants to escape quickly, which is why it rockets away. But if you attach something heavy, like a basket or a seat, to the balloon, the air will still want to rush out, but now the weight attached to it will make it move more slowly.

Now, let's imagine that instead of just using one balloon, you attach lots and lots of balloons to your basket. The more balloons you have, the more lift they can provide you. That's the basic idea of cluster ballooning!

The person who wants to fly attaches a bunch of helium-filled balloons to a harness or basket that they sit in. As more and more balloons are added, the lift generated by the balloons increases, allowing the person to float higher and higher into the air.

But it's not as simple as just strapping a bunch of balloons to yourself and taking off. Cluster balloonists have to carefully monitor the lift provided by the balloons and adjust their altitude using ballast, like sandbags or water bottles, that they can drop to make themselves lighter. They also have to carefully plan their route and watch for weather conditions that could affect their flight.

Cluster ballooning isn't something that most people do, because it can be dangerous if not done properly. But for the brave few who are up for the challenge, it can be a thrilling and unique way to experience flight!