ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coal bed methane

Coal bed methane is a type of natural gas that can be found trapped in underground coal seams. Think of the coal seams like you would a sandwich, with the natural gas being the filling in the middle. The gas gets stuck in the tiny spaces between the coal grains, and can be extracted using special equipment.

This natural gas can be used for many things, like heating homes, generating electricity or powering vehicles. But to get to it, we need to drill special wells into the coal seams to release the gas.

One cool thing about coal bed methane is that it can actually be a good thing for the environment. By extracting it, we can use it as an alternative to more polluting fossil fuels like oil or coal. Plus, the process of creating the wells can actually help to remove groundwater from the coal seams, which can help prevent water pollution.

But we also need to be careful when extracting coal bed methane. If not done properly, the process can cause environmental damage like water pollution or other disturbances to the land. So it's important that we only extract coal bed methane using safe and responsible methods.