ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cocaine Anonymous

Okay kiddo, so you know how sometimes people take medicine to help them feel better when they're sick, right? Well sometimes, grown-ups take drugs that make them feel good for a little while, but then they start to feel really bad and have problems because of it.

Cocaine is one of those drugs that can make people feel really good, but it's also very dangerous and can cause a lot of problems. That's why some grown-ups who have had problems with cocaine and want to stop using it go to something called Cocaine Anonymous.

Cocaine Anonymous is a group of people who have all had problems with cocaine and are trying to stay away from it so they can be healthy and happy again. They meet together and talk about their experiences with the drug, share advice on how to stay away from it, and support each other in their goal of staying clean.

It's kind of like a club where everyone supports each other and encourages each other to do the right thing. They don't judge each other or make fun of anyone, they just try to help each other stay on track and avoid cocaine.

So that's Cocaine Anonymous, a group of grown-ups who have had problems with cocaine and are supporting each other to stay clean and healthy.