ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coda (music)

Alright kiddo, have you ever heard a song and noticed how it sometimes ends differently than how it began? That is because of something called a "coda" in music.

A coda is like a special ending to a song, just like how you might add a special decoration or toppings to the end of a cake to make it extra special. In music, a coda usually includes different melodies, rhythms, or chords that bring the song to a close in a unique and satisfying way.

Think of it like a secret surprise at the end of the song that makes it feel complete and finished, like a little bow on top of a present. It's the finishing touch that makes the music sound complete and satisfying.

So, the next time you hear a song and notice that it has an extra special ending, that's the coda at work!