ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Code Adam

Code Adam is a special code that is used in some places like stores, malls, or other public areas to help find missing children. When a child goes missing, it can be very scary for both the child and their family. Code Adam is a way to quickly notify employees and tell them to start looking for the missing child.

When someone yells "Code Adam!" it means that every employee in the area needs to do two things.

First, they need to stop what they're doing and pay attention. This means if they're stocking shelves or ringing up customers, they need to pause and listen for more information about the missing child.

Second, they need to start looking for the child. Employees will check all of the places a child could hide or get lost in. This includes in between clothes racks, behind displays, and in bathrooms. They'll also keep an eye out for any suspicious behavior or people who might have taken the child.

Once the child is found, employees will stay with them until their parent or guardian arrives. Code Adam is a very important tool that helps keep kids safe and reunites them with their families.