ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Code obfuscation

Alright kiddo, imagine that you have a secret cookie recipe that you don't want anyone else to understand. You could write the recipe in normal words and someone might be able to figure out how to make it just by looking at it. But what if you wrote the recipe in a secret code that only you and your friends knew? That would make it a lot harder for someone to figure out how to make your cookies.

Well, that's kind of like what code obfuscation is. When computer programmers write code (which is a set of instructions that tells a computer what to do), they usually write it in a way that makes sense to them and other programmers. But if someone wanted to steal or modify that code, all they would have to do is understand how it was written.

That's where code obfuscation comes in. It's a process that makes the code harder to understand by intentionally making it look more confusing or complicated. It's kind of like writing the cookie recipe in your secret code, but for computers.

For example, a programmer might use a lot of random letters and numbers instead of normal words to name different parts of the code. They might also write the code in a way that isn't very easy to read, so that it's harder for someone to figure out what it does.

Using code obfuscation is a way for programmers to protect their work and prevent other people from stealing or manipulating the code. Think of it like putting a lock on your diary so that only you can read it.