ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cog's ladder

Cog's ladder is a way to make a one-dimensional (straight line) sequence of numbers or letters.

Just like with a normal ladder, there are "rungs" that you climb up to reach a higher level. Cog's ladder works the same way, but instead of actual physical rungs, we use rules to determine the sequence of numbers or letters.

For example, let's say we want to make a cog's ladder that starts with the number 1 and adds 5 each "rung". The first "rung" would be 1, the second "rung" would be 6 (1 + 5), the third "rung" would be 11 (6 + 5), and so on.

We can also use different rules to make cog's ladders with different patterns. For example, we can make a cog's ladder that starts with the letter A and adds a letter each "rung" using the rule that the next letter is the next letter in the alphabet. So the first "rung" would be A, the second "rung" would be B, the third "rung" would be C, and so on.

Cog's ladder can be useful in problem-solving and pattern recognition, as well as in programming and data analysis.