ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cognitive bias in animals

Okay kiddo, let me explain what cognitive bias in animals means. Animals, just like humans, have brains that help them think and make decisions. However, sometimes their brains can make them think in a certain way that may not be accurate or fair. That is called a cognitive bias.

For example, let's say there is a dog named Max. Max loves food and always gets treats when he does a trick. One day, Max is trying to do a new trick but he is not successful. His brain starts to think that he is not good enough and that he will never get a treat again. This kind of thinking is a cognitive bias because Max's brain is making him believe something that is not necessarily true.

Similarly, there are other types of cognitive biases in animals. For instance, some animals may have a confirmation bias, where they only pay attention to information that confirms their pre-existing beliefs or ideas, and ignore anything that contradicts them.

Overall, cognitive bias in animals can affect their behavior, decision-making, and even their emotions. It's important to recognize and address these biases to ensure the well-being of animals and their relationships with humans.