ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5


Imagine you have a toy car. Inside the toy car, there are tiny little wheels called cogwheels, that help the car move forward when you push it.

Now, think about a bicycle. The gears on a bicycle are also called cogwheels, but instead of just one, there are many different sizes, all stacked together.

When you switch gears on a bike, you are using what's called a cogset, which is a set of different sized cogwheels that the chain moves over. Depending on which cogwheel the chain is currently on, it changes how much effort it takes to pedal and how fast the bike goes.

So, a cogset is like a set of different sized cogwheels on a bicycle that help you choose how much effort you need to use to pedal and how fast you go. Kind of like how gears work in a car, but for your feet!
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