ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coherent duality

Coherent duality is like having two different sides of the same thing, but they work together perfectly. It's like having a puzzle piece that can fit into two different puzzles and make them complete.

Think about it like you have a toy car, but it's broken into two pieces. You have the top part with the wheels and the bottom part with the engine. Each part on its own isn't very useful, but if you put them together, you have a working toy car. That's what coherent duality is like.

It happens in science too, with light particles called photons. Photons have a wave-like behavior, meaning they can act like a wave or a particle depending on how you look at them. This is where coherent duality comes in. The wave behavior and the particle behavior work together to make the photon what it is.

So, to sum it up, coherent duality is when two different aspects work together perfectly as one whole thing. It's like having two puzzle pieces make one complete image or two broken toy car parts come together to make a working car.
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