ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coi Coi-Vilu

Coí Coí-Vilu is a mythological creature from Mapuche culture in Chile. It is said to be a beautiful and powerful creature with the body of a snake and the head of a bull.

Think of Coí Coí-Vilu like a magical creature from a storybook that the Mapuche people used to tell around the campfire. This creature was believed to be very important because it was associated with the power of water and the rivers. The Mapuche people were very connected with nature, so they believed that the rivers were very important and had a lot of power.

Sometimes the Coí Coí-Vilu was seen as a friendly creature because it was said to help people navigate the rivers safely. But other times, people believed that the Coí Coí-Vilu had a bad temper and could cause floods and destruction.

Overall, Coí Coí-Vilu is an important part of Mapuche folklore and represents the power and importance of nature in their culture.