ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coin sorter

A coin sorter is a machine that helps sort different types of coins into their own special places. It works like a special kind of piggy bank that can hold lots of coins at once!

When you put your mixed-up coins into the sorter, it looks at each coin and sorts it based on its size, weight, and shape. This helps the machine to know which coin is which, and where to put it.

Once the machine figures out what kind of coin it is, it sends it down a special little chute or tube that leads to where that kind of coin belongs. For example, it might send pennies down one tube, nickels down another, and so on.

Overall, a coin sorter is a really helpful tool for organizing your coins and making sure they all end up in their proper places. It's like having a special robot friend who helps you keep your coins neat and tidy!
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