ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Coins of Australia

OK kiddo, so you know how when we go to the store we use money to buy things? In Australia, they have their very own special kinds of money called coins! These coins have pictures of important Australian things on them, like animals, buildings and famous people.

There are lots of different coins in Australia, but the most common ones are the five-cent, ten-cent, twenty-cent, fifty-cent, one dollar and two dollar coins. They come in different colors and sizes so you can tell them apart.

The five-cent coin is the smallest and silver in color. It has a picture of an echidna, which is a spiky animal that lives in Australia, on one side. The ten-cent coin is a bit bigger and silver too. It has a picture of a male lyrebird, which is a bird that can mimic sounds like car alarms and chainsaws, on one side.

The twenty-cent coin is a bit bigger again and is bronze in color. It has a picture of a platypus, which is an animal that looks like a mix of a duck, beaver and otter, on one side. The fifty-cent coin is also bronze and a bit bigger still. It has a picture of the coat of arms, which is a special symbol of Australia that has a kangaroo, emu, shield and crown on it, on one side.

The one-dollar coin is gold and a bit bigger than the others. It has a picture of a kangaroo on one side. The two-dollar coin is also gold and the biggest of all the coins. It has a picture of an aboriginal elder, which is a wise leader in the indigenous culture of Australia, on one side.

So that's a little lesson about the coins of Australia - they're special coins with pictures of cool things on them that you can use to buy stuff in Australia!