ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Cold case (criminology)

Okay kiddo, so you know how when someone does something really bad, like stealing or hurting someone, they can get in trouble with the law? And sometimes, the police can figure out who did it really quickly because there are a lot of clues or witnesses who saw what happened. But other times, it can be really hard for the police to figure out who did it because there aren't a lot of clues or witnesses, or maybe it happened a really long time ago.

When a crime like this happens and the police can't figure out who did it, they call it a "cold case". It's like a puzzle that the police are trying to solve, but they haven't found all the pieces yet.

Even though it might seem like the police have given up on solving cold cases, they actually keep working on them for a really long time. Sometimes, new technology is invented that can help them solve the case, or someone comes forward with information that they didn't have before. The police might even offer a reward to try to get people to come forward with information.

The reason why solving cold cases is so important is because it helps bring justice to the victims and their families. It also helps make sure that the person who did something bad doesn't get away with it and hurt other people in the future.