ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Colin Turnbull

Colin Turnbull was a really smart man who spent his whole life learning about different cultures. He wanted to understand people who lived in places very different from his own home. He studied tribes, which are groups of people who live together and have their own traditions and ways of doing things.

Colin loved to learn about the way different tribes did things, like their music, their games, and the way they talked with each other. He also wanted to find out how they treated each other and what made them happy.

One of the tribes Colin studied was called the Ik. They lived in Africa and had a very different way of life from Colin's. Colin wanted to learn all about the Ik, so he moved to Africa to live with them and learn from them.

Colin spent a lot of time with the Ik and wrote a book about what he learned. He found out that the Ik had a very hard life and that they didn't treat each other very nicely. They didn't help each other and only cared about themselves.

But Colin also saw that the Ik had a strong sense of community and took care of each other in times of crisis. Even though they had a very different way of life from Colin's, he learned a lot from them and was able to teach others about their culture.

In the end, Colin's work helped people see that every culture is important and worth understanding. By learning about different cultures, we can see the similarities and differences between us and appreciate our diversity.