ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Colleges of St Omer, Bruges and Liège

Okay, imagine you go to a big school where you meet lots of new friends and learn a lot of things. But now imagine that instead of just one big school, there were three different schools in different parts of the world. These three schools were called the Colleges of St. Omer, Bruges, and Liège.

Each of these schools was like a mini city inside a bigger city. People would come from all over the world to study there. The teachers would teach things like math and science, but they would also teach things like history and religion. Some students would even learn how to speak different languages!

Now, here's the thing: these schools were really special because they were all run by the same group of people. This group was called the Jesuits. They believed that education was super important, so they worked really hard to make sure that the students who went to their colleges learned as much as they possibly could.

But even though the Jesuits were in charge of all three schools, each one was a little bit different. The College of St. Omer was the oldest and had been around since the late 1500s. It was known for its beautiful library and for being a place where people could learn a lot about science and medicine.

The College of Bruges was a bit newer than St. Omer, but it was also really special. It was known for being a place where people could learn about art and literature. In fact, some of the most famous writers and artists in history went to this school!

Finally, there was the College of Liège. This school was a bit different from the other two because it was more focused on making sure that people learned theology. Theology is all about studying religion and how it affects people's lives. So if you went to the College of Liège, you would learn all about different religions and how they shaped the world.

Overall, the colleges of St. Omer, Bruges, and Liège were really important because they gave people from all over the world a chance to get an education. They also helped to spread knowledge and ideas that would eventually change the world!