ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Colour in Chinese culture

Alright kiddo, let me break it down for you. In Chinese culture, colour is a really important thing. It can represent different emotions, ideas, and even luck. Let's talk about some colours and what they mean:

Red: This is a big one. Red is considered the luckiest colour in China, and it's often associated with happiness and fortune. People wear red clothes and hang red decorations during festivals and special occasions. Red is also a colour of celebration.

Yellow: Yellow is another colour that is very important in China. It represents royalty, and is considered to be a symbol of power and authority. In ancient China, only the emperor was allowed to wear yellow clothing.

Black: This colour represents darkness and mourning. It's not usually worn during festivals or happy occasions. However, certain coins and calligraphy are made using black ink.

White: White is associated with purity and innocence, but it's also a colour of mourning. It's often worn at funerals and during periods of mourning.

Blue: Blue is a relatively new addition to Chinese culture. It's usually associated with the sky and the sea. It can also represent peace and tranquility.

Green: Some say it represents life, health, and wealth. Others take this as stagnancy, as there's even a saying "A green pond is not a good sign." which refers to stagnation in life.

So, now you have a basic understanding of what different colours represent in Chinese culture. Remember that colours have different meanings depending on the situation and the people involved, and it's important to be aware of that.