ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Columbia Glacier (Alaska)

Columbia Glacier is a very big ice block located in Alaska. It's so big that it takes up a lot of space in the water and looks like a really big mountain of ice. The glacier is so heavy that it can crush anything that is not strong enough to withstand its weight, like a big bulldozer or a big truck.

The glacier is made of frozen water that is so cold and hard that it can't melt in the sun. This frozen water is also very heavy, which is why the glacier looks like a big mountain of ice.

Now, something really sad is happening to Columbia Glacier. It's slowly melting and shrinking in size. This is happening because the temperature around the glacier is getting warmer, and it's making the icy walls crumble and fall apart. The water that was frozen inside the glacier is also slowly melting, and if this keeps happening, the glacier will keep getting smaller and smaller over time.

This is sad because the glacier is a very important part of the environment for the animals and plants that live around it. The water from the melted glacier also helps to keep the surrounding areas healthy and nourished. So, it's important that we take care of the environment so that we don't lose our beautiful glaciers like Columbia.