ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Columbia Revolt

The Columbia Revolt was a protest that happened at Columbia University in New York City in 1968. A protest is when a group of people come together to show that they are unhappy or angry about something. In this case, the students at Columbia were protesting against a few different things.

One of the big reasons they were protesting was because the university had plans to build a new gym on a piece of land that was being used by people who lived in the neighborhood near the school. The students thought it was unfair that the university was taking away something that people in the community were using.

Another reason they were protesting was because they wanted the university to stop supporting the war that was happening in Vietnam at the time. The students didn't think it was right for the university to be involved in something that was causing so much harm and destruction.

The students held sit-ins and rallies to try and get their message across. A sit-in is when people sit in a room or building and refuse to leave until their demands are met. The police were called to try and remove the protesters from the building, which caused a lot of chaos and violence.

Eventually, the protest led to changes at Columbia University. The plans for the gym were scrapped and the university stopped supporting the war in Vietnam. The Columbia Revolt is an important moment in history because it shows how students can come together to make a difference and stand up for what they believe in.