ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Command and control

Okay kiddo, imagine you are playing a game with your friends and you are the leader of your team. Your job is to tell your teammates what to do and how to win the game. This is similar to command and control in the military or in an emergency situation.

Command and control is when one person or a group of people are in charge of making decisions and giving orders to others. These people are usually in charge because they have more experience, knowledge, or skills than others.

When there is a big problem, like a hurricane, a terrorist attack, or a military operation, someone needs to be in charge to make sure the right things happen at the right time. This means that people on the ground need to listen to their boss and follow their orders.

Just like in your game, if your leader tells you to go left, you go left. This helps everyone work together and stay safe. So remember, command and control is like being the boss of a game, but for important things like helping people and keeping them safe.