ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Commemoration of the American Civil War on postage stamps

Okay kiddo, so you know how we have special stickers we put on letters and cards when we want to mail them? Those stickers are called postage stamps.

Well, a long time ago, in the 1860s, there was a big war that happened in America. It was called the Civil War. Two groups of people, the Union and Confederacy, fought against each other because they didn't agree on some important things like slavery and how the country should be run.

Now, many years after the war ended, people still remember it and want to honor the soldiers who fought and died during that time. That's where the commemoration of the American Civil War on postage stamps comes in.

These special postage stamps have pictures of important people, places, and events from the Civil War on them. They're meant to remind us of what happened and why it was important.

Some stamps have pictures of famous generals or leaders from the war, like Abraham Lincoln or Robert E. Lee. Others show famous battles that happened during the war, like Gettysburg or Antietam. Still, others show important things that happened during the war, like the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, which helped free slaves.

So, every time we use one of these Civil War stamps, we're honoring the brave soldiers who fought for what they believed in, and we're remembering an important moment in our country's history.