ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000

The Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000 was a law passed by Congress in the United States. It allowed people to buy and sell different types of commodities, including grains, oil, and metals, using a type of agreement called a "futures contract". Before the law was passed it was difficult to buy or sell these types of commodities because there were a lot of rules and regulations that made it hard.

The new law made it easier. It allowed people to make their own agreements and follow the rules they wanted, and it also gave more flexibility to the markets that bought and sold these types of commodities. It made it easier and faster for buyers and sellers to do business and it also helped reduce costs. So, the law made it easier for people to buy and sell commodities, which helps the economy by keeping prices low and making it easier for businesses to make money.