ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Common Industrial Protocol

Okay kiddo, have you ever played with toys that connect together to make something cool, like building blocks or Lego bricks? The Common Industrial Protocol (CIP) is kind of like those toys, but for big machines and computers that make things in factories.

Just like how you need instructions to build something with your toys, big machines and computers need instructions to talk to each other and work together. CIP is like a set of instructions that helps different types of machines and computers talk to each other and work together, even if they are made by different companies.

CIP is kind of like a language that machines and computers use to communicate. Just like how you can talk to your friends in different languages, machines and computers can also talk to each other in different languages. But with CIP, they all speak the same language so they can understand each other better.

So, CIP is like the building blocks that helps different machines and computers work together and talk to each other like friends who all speak the same language.