ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Communications satellite

A communication satellite is a giant, high-tech machine built by human beings that functions like a cell phone tower in space. It is so high that it orbits the Earth, which is the spinning ball we live on.

It travels really fast in a special path called an orbit, and it stays up there for a really long time. In fact, some satellites can stay up there for more than 20 years! The space machine is designed to receive signals, which are messages and information that are sent to it from Earth.

Once it receives those signals, the satellite processes the information and sends it back down to Earth with very powerful signals that can be picked up by other machines, like cell phones and computers.

Satellites are a very important part of our lives because they help us communicate with each other no matter where we are on the planet. They make it so that we can talk to someone on the other side of the world as if they were right next to us!