ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Community settlement (Israel)

A community settlement in Israel is like a big group of people who decide to live together in a specific area. It's kind of like a big family where everyone helps each other and works together to make things better for everyone.

When people decide to start a community settlement, they usually pick a spot of land that is not already being used by other people. Then, they build houses, roads, and other important things that people need to live comfortably. They might also build things like a community center, a school, or a grocery store so that everyone in the settlement has easy access to these things.

Living in a community settlement is different from living in a regular city or town because everyone is just like your family. They all know each other, they help each other out when they need it, and they all share the same values and beliefs.

People in community settlements might also work together to do things like plant crops, raise animals, or build things that their settlement needs. This helps everyone in the settlement because they can all benefit from the work that's being done.

Overall, a community settlement in Israel is like a big family that lives and works together to make things better for everyone.