Comparative political studies is when we look at different countries and their governments to see how they are similar or different from each other.
Think of it this way: when you go to school, you may notice that some kids have the same books as you, while others have different books. Comparative political studies is like looking at all the different school books in different schools and seeing what they all have in common or how they are different.
We can compare how countries/governments make decisions, how they are structured, and how citizens participate in their government.
Imagine you and your friends want to decide what game to play at recess. You might vote, take turns choosing, or use a magic 8 ball to decide. Each of these ways is like a different way a government might make decisions. Comparative political studies is like looking at which ways different government's choose to make decisions.
If we want to learn more about how other people live and make decisions, we look at comparative political studies.