ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Competition (biology)

Competition in biology is like a game where different plants and animals try to win the same prize. Think of it like a race where everyone wants to be the first to get to the finish line. In nature, the prize is things like food, water, and shelter.

Now, let's say that there are a group of zebras living in a grassy plain, and there is only a limited amount of grass for them to eat. They all need to eat to survive, so they will have to compete for the food.

Some zebras may get to the grass first and eat the most, while others may not get to eat as much. The ones that eat the most will grow stronger and healthier, while the ones that eat less may become weaker and more at risk of being hunted by predators.

The same thing can happen with other animals and plants in nature. Sometimes, one species may be better at competing for resources than others, which can cause the weaker species to die out or move to a different area.

Overall, competition in biology is about the struggle for survival and who can be the best at getting the resources they need to live.