ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Complementary currency

Hey kiddo! You know how we use money to buy things like toys, food, and clothes? Well, a complementary currency is like a different kind of money that we can use to buy things too.

But here's the cool thing - complementary currency is not like the regular money that we see every day. It's more like a special token that we can use only in a specific place or community. For example, some local towns create their own complementary currency called "local currency". People in that area can use it to buy things at local shops or businesses.

Complementary currencies can also be used for trading between people who have skills or goods to offer. For instance, if you have some toys that you don't need anymore and you want to trade them for some books, you can use a complementary currency to do so.

Now, why do people use complementary currency instead of regular money? Well, one reason is that it helps support the local economy. When people use local currency or complementary currency, it helps the local shops and businesses thrive. It also encourages people to buy locally and support their community.

It's like having a secret club of sorts where you are rewarded for shopping local and helping your community. Pretty cool, right? Hope that helps you understand what complementary currency is all about, little buddy!