ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Composite Higgs models

Okay kiddo, let's talk about composite higgs models! First of all, let's break it down into two parts:

1. Higgs: The Higgs is a really cool particle that was discovered a few years ago. It's really important because it helps explain why some particles have mass (or weight) and others don't. Without the Higgs, the universe would be a very different place!

2. Composite: This means something that is made up of lots of little parts. Like how a Lego house is made up of lots of tiny Lego bricks.

So when we say "composite higgs models", we mean a way of explaining the Higgs particle where it's not just one thing, but instead it's made up of lots of smaller parts.

Imagine that the Higgs is like a Lego house. Instead of just building it all at once, we build it out of many smaller Lego bricks. Each of these little Lego bricks represents a different particle that helps make up the Higgs.

Now, why would we want to do this? Well, scientists have always wondered why the Higgs is so light compared to everything else in the universe. It's like if you had a giant elephant next to a tiny mouse – it just doesn't make sense! But if the Higgs is made up of lots of smaller particles, it could explain why it's so much lighter.

So, composite higgs models are like building a Lego house out of lots of little bricks – it helps us understand why the Higgs is the way it is. Pretty cool, huh?