ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computational irreducibility

Okay kiddo, imagine you have a really cool toy that has a bunch of different parts that all move together. Now, let's say you want to figure out how the toy works and how all the parts move together. You can do this by taking the toy apart and looking at each individual part.

But now let's say you have a different toy that has a lot more parts and is more complicated. If you try to take it apart and figure out how it works, it might take you a really really long time because it has so many parts.

Computational irreducibility is just like that second toy. It means that some things are just really complicated and you can't figure out how they work by looking at individual parts, you have to look at everything all together.

Let's say you have a math problem, and you want to figure out the answer. Some math problems are easy and you can solve them by just doing simple addition or multiplication. But some math problems are so complicated that you can't just add or multiply your way to an answer. You have to solve the problem step-by-step and look at all the different parts and how they work together.

So, to summarize, computational irreducibility means that some things are just really complicated and you have to look at everything all together to figure out how they work. It's like trying to take apart a really complicated toy or solve a really hard math problem where you have to look at all the parts working together instead of just one at a time.