ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computational metaphysics

Imagine you have a toy castle with knights and dragons. The castle is like a computer and the knights and dragons are like the calculations and ideas in metaphysics. Computational metaphysics is using the castle (computer) to help understand and make calculations about the ideas in metaphysics (knights and dragons).

Computational metaphysics can help us explore deep questions about the nature of reality, like whether everything is made of tiny particles or whether there is an all-knowing creator. The castle-computer can help us make sense of these ideas by using special tools and algorithms to sort through complex information and possibilities.

By using computational metaphysics, we can simulate different versions of reality and test out different ideas to see if they make sense. It's like playing with your toy castle and moving the knights and dragons around to see how they interact and what might happen next.

Overall, computational metaphysics is a way to use technology to help us better understand the big questions about the world around us.