ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Computer Graphics (publication)

Computer graphics is the cool stuff you see on the computer screen, like pictures or videos. Just like how you can draw pictures on paper with crayons, computer graphics uses special tools and programs to draw pictures on the computer.

The people who make computer graphics are called artists or designers. They use their creative skills to make things like characters for video games, logos for companies, or even just pretty pictures.

When artists make computer graphics, they use special tools called software. This software helps them create and manipulate shapes, colors, and textures to make the picture look just right. Sometimes, they use 3D software to make things that look like they could jump right out of the screen and into your room!

After artists make the graphics, they can put them in things like video games or movies for you to see. It's like a big puzzle where all the graphics fit together to make the final picture.

Sometimes, people write about computer graphics in a publication, which is just a fancy word for a book or magazine. They might write about new techniques or cool things that artists are doing with computer graphics. It's a way for people to learn more about this cool art form and keep up with the latest trends.