Okay kiddo, so let's think of a storybook with different characters. Each character has its own name, appearance, and personality. Now imagine if we had many storybooks with different characters, but some characters look similar or have the same names, but different personalities. This is what we call conceptual proliferation.
Conceptual proliferation means having too many ideas, concepts, or names that are similar or have slight differences. Just like how we have too many storybooks with different characters, but some characters have similar names or look alike. This can make things confusing or hard to understand.
For example, imagine if we had lots of different animals, but some animals have similar names like a leopard, cheetah, and jaguar. They might look the same to us, but they are actually different kinds of animals with different patterns and behaviors.
To avoid conceptual proliferation, we may need to organize and categorize concepts, ideas or names to make it easier to understand and avoid confusion. That way, we can enjoy our storybooks and learn about different animals without getting confused!