ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Condorcet methods

Okay kiddo, let me explain condorcet methods to you in a way that is easy to understand.

Imagine that you and your friends want to choose which game to play. But there are three games to choose from and everyone likes different games.

One way to decide which game to play is to vote. Each person chooses the game they want to play the most and we count up the votes.

But sometimes that method doesn’t work so well. Because if we have three games and everyone has different opinions, there might not be one game that most people like.

That’s where Condorcet methods come in. They help us find the game that most people would prefer if there were only two games to choose from.

So, in our game example, we would ask everyone which game they like the most and then we would compare each game with each other. For example, if we have three games (A, B, and C), we would compare A to B, A to C, and B to C.

Then we would ask everyone which of those pairs of games they like the most. If most people prefer A over B, and A over C, then A is the Condorcet winner. That means, if we had only two options, A would be the overall winner because most people like it the most.

So, that’s how Condorcet methods work! It helps us find the choice that most people would prefer if there were only two options to choose from.