Confessing movement is when a group of people come together and publicly share what they believe in. They might talk about what they think is important and why they think it is important. This confession or sharing of beliefs can happen in a church or other religious setting, but it can also happen in other groups that share similar beliefs.
You know how sometimes you hear someone say "I believe in being kind to others" or "I believe that we should always tell the truth"? Well, when a group of people get together and say those kinds of things out loud, that is part of confessing what they believe in.
People might do this to show that they are committed to their beliefs or to encourage others to also believe in the same things. It's like saying "hey, this is really important to me and I want to share it with everyone."
In some religious groups, confessing movements might involve people talking about their sins or mistakes. They might ask for forgiveness or say that they want to change.
Overall, confessing movement is a way for people to express what they believe in and to share it with others.