ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conflict of interest

Alright, kiddo. So, have you ever played a game with your friends where you were supposed to pick a team and play against each other? That's kind of like what happens in the real world too – people pick their teams and work together. But sometimes, when people work together, they might have different ideas about what should be done.

Now, let's say your friend is on a team with you, but they're also really big fans of the other team because they know some of the players on that team personally. That means they might not want to play as hard as they could for your team, because they don't want to hurt their other friends' feelings.

This kind of situation is called a "conflict of interest". It's like having two interests that aren't completely the same, but they're both important to you. It can be hard to make choices when you have a conflict of interest, because you want to do what's right for both things, but they might not always be compatible.

In the grown-up world, conflicts of interest can happen in lots of different ways. For example, let's say a doctor owns a company that makes medicine. But the doctor also gets paid for recommending treatments to their patients. This could be a conflict of interest, because the doctor might be tempted to prescribe the medicine from their own company, even if it's not the best choice for the patient.

Conflicts of interest can cause problems because they can make people act in ways that aren't fair or honest. That's why it's important for grown-ups to recognize when they have a conflict of interest, and try to make decisions that are fair and in everyone's best interests.