ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Confrérie des Chevaliers du Tastevin

So imagine you're in a big castle with lots of grown-ups wearing fancy clothes. In one room, there are some grown-ups who really love to drink wine and talk about how yummy it is. These grown-ups are called the "confrérie des chevaliers du tastevin" which is a fancy name that means "brotherhood of knights of the tasting cup."

They have a special cup called a "tastevin" that helps them taste the wine better. They also have special clothes they wear, kind of like a costume, to show that they are part of this special group.

The grown-ups in this group love to taste different kinds of wine and learn all about them. And sometimes they have big parties where they invite other grown-ups to come and taste the wine with them. They even have their own special restaurant called "La Côte d'Or" where they can drink lots of wine and eat yummy food.

Being a part of this group is very special because it means you really love wine and you want to learn all about it. But even if you're not a part of the group, you can still enjoy tasting different wines and learning about them too!