ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Congenital abnormalities

Hi there! Congenital abnormalities are things that are different or unique about your body that you are born with. Some of these things might be really easy to see, like if you have an extra finger or toe. Others might be harder to see, like if you have a problem with your heart that you can't see from the outside. In fact, there are all kinds of different things that can be different about your body when you're born.

Sometimes, congenital abnormalities happen because of things that happen while a baby is growing inside their mom. For example, sometimes a baby might not get enough of a certain vitamin or mineral that they need while they're in the womb. Or, sometimes a baby might be born with something that runs in their family, like red hair or green eyes. Other times, doctors aren't really sure why a baby is born with a congenital abnormality - it just seems to happen.

The good news is that a lot of these things aren't really a big deal! If you're born with an extra finger or toe, for example, you might think it's pretty cool. And if you have a heart problem, your doctors can work with you and your family to make sure that you stay healthy and that your heart stays strong. No matter what, always remember that you are special and unique just the way you are!