ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conrad Haas

Okay, so imagine there was a really smart man named Conrad Haas who lived a long, long time ago. He was very curious about the world around him and liked to think about how things worked.

One day, Conrad Haas had an amazing idea. He thought that if he could make a really, really big stick and light it on fire, he could make it go really high up into the sky! This was a very clever idea because nobody had ever thought to do this before.

But Conrad Haas didn’t stop there. He started making more and more big sticks, and before he knew it, he had created the very first rockets! These rockets were made out of wood and had gunpowder inside of them to make them explode and fly up into the sky.

People were amazed by what Conrad Haas had done, and his rockets became very popular. Eventually, other inventors started making their own versions of Conrad Haas’ rockets, and they became even better and more powerful over time.

So, basically, Conrad Haas was a very important person in history because he came up with the idea for rockets, which have now helped us explore space and learn so much more about the universe!