ELI5: Explain Like I'm 5

Conservatism (belief revision)

Conservatism in belief revision means that people tend to stick to their initial beliefs rather than changing them, even when new information or evidence is presented to them. It's kind of like when you believe something is true, it can be hard to change your mind, even if someone gives you lots of good reasons why you might be wrong.

So, imagine you really like the color blue, and you believe it's the best color in the whole world. If someone comes along and tells you that actually, green is the best color because it's the color of trees and grass, you might not want to believe them because you feel really strongly about blue. That's conservatism in belief revision in action.

Sometimes, conservatism in belief revision is a good thing because it allows people to hold onto their values and beliefs that they have learned over time. However, it can also be problematic because it can prevent people from changing their minds and considering new information or ideas. It's important to be open-minded and willing to change our beliefs when new evidence presents itself.
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